Test with answers on the topic «Antiseptic hand treatment»
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The purpose of hygienic antiseptics is removal and destruction of transient microflora.
1. The "gold standard" of alcohol antiseptic for hand treatment is
1) 100% water solution of ethyl alcohol;
2) 50% water solution of ethyl alcohol;
3) 60% water solution of ethyl alcohol;
4) 70% water solution of ethyl alcohol;+
5) 96% water solution of ethyl alcohol.
2. The hand hygiene of medical workers is regulated by
1) Guidelines of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Organization of hand hygiene in organizations engaged in medical activities";
2) Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 213 of 02.03. 2010 "Measures to improve hand hygiene of medical personnel";
3) Sanitary and Epidemiological Norms and Regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for hand hygiene of medical personnel";
4) Sanitary and Epidemiological Norms and Regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities", section 1;
5) Sanitary and Epidemiological Norms and Regulations "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for organizations engaged in medical activities", section 12.+
3. The hydro-lipid mantle is
1) a protein membrane which covers the skin and has a pH of 7.0 and protects the skin from the penetration of microorganisms;
2) water-fat membrane covering the skin, which is neutral and protects the skin from the penetration of microorganisms;
3) water-fat membrane covering the skin, which has a pH of 3.5 and protects the skin from the penetration of microorganisms;+
4) water-fat membrane covering the skin, which has an alkaline environment and protects the skin from the penetration of microorganisms;
5) polysaccharide membrane covering the skin, which has a pH of 12 and protects the skin from the penetration of microorganisms.
4. Which of the following viruses are non-enveloped, which are practically not affected by antiseptics based on isopropyl alcohol?
1) Herpes virus infection;
2) Flu virus;
3) The measles virus;
4) Hiv;
5) Enterovirus.+
5. Which of the following microorganisms are resistant to alcohol antiseptics?
1) gram-negative bacterium;
2) mushrooms;
3) mycobacteria;
4) shell viruses;
5) spore-forming bacteria.+
6. When was the first epidemiological investigation that proved the role of hand treatment in the prevention of health care-related infections?
1) In the I century н.э.;
2) In the V century;
3) In the XX century;
4) In the ХIХ century;+
5) Is unknown.
7. Who and when proposed to distinguish between two types of microbial flora of the hands: transient and resident?
1) I. Mechnikov, in the ХIХ century;
2) R.B Price, in 2018;
3) R.B. Vencel, in 2010;
4) R.B. Price, in 1938;+
5) is unknown.
8. Who was the first to conduct an epidemiological investigation that proved the role of hand treatment in the prevention of infections associated with medical care?
1) I. Zemmelves;+
2) I. Mechnikov;
3) M. Maymonid;
4) Oliver W. Holms;
5) E. Koch.
9. Mechanism of antimicrobial action of alcohol antiseptics
1) block the synthesis of ATP;
2) denature the proteins of microorganisms and thus destroy them;+
3) damage the DNA of microorganisms;
4) dissolve lipids of microbial membranes;
5) physically remove microorganisms from the surface of the hands.
10. Microorganisms, most often sown from the hands of nurses engaged in cleaning rooms in hospital departments are
1) staphylococcus aureus;
2) E coli;+
3) proteus;
4) pseudomonas aeruginosa;
5) epidermal staphylococcus.
11. The name of the programs of the Alliance for Patient Safety at the World Health Organization (WHO), which develops issues of hand hygiene of medical personnel is
1) «Together for the patient's safety»;
2) «Doctors and patients are for safe medicine»;
3) «Patients are for their safety»;
4) «Clean help is a safe help»;+
5) «Clean hands in surgery».
12. The most contaminated areas of the skin of the hands are
1) fingertips, periungual and subungual space;+
2) palmar surface of the thumb;
3) palmar surface of the fingers;
4) back surface of the fingers;
5) the central part of the palm.
13. The main factor when spreading of infections associated with the provision of medical care is
1) medical instruments;
2) items for patient care;
3) hands of medical personnel;+
4) patients' hands;
5) cleaning equipment.
14. Why it is necessary to treat your hands after removing medical gloves?
1) even the new gloves have pores that are permeable to some viruses;+
2) if the gloves have no external damage, this is not necessary;
3) to wash away latex allergens;
4) to wash off the glove powder;
5) this is an outdated requirement that has no experimental justification.
15. The advantage of ethyl alcohol-based antiseptics over isopropyl alcohol-based antiseptics is that they
1) evaporate faster;
2) affect spore-forming microorganisms;
3) have an oily consistency;
4) are less toxic and do not have a sharp smell;+
5) give the skin a tan color.
16. The advantage of ethyl alcohol-based antiseptics compared to isopropyl alcohol-based antiseptics is that they act on (are able to destroy)
1) flu virus;
2) staphylococcus aureus;
3) E coli;
4) rotavirus and adenovirus;+
5) pseudomonas aeruginosa.
17. The resident flora is
1) microorganisms are pathogens of skin diseases;
2) microorganisms that constantly live and multiply on the human skin (this is our own microflora);+
3) microorganisms acquired by medical personnel in the course of work as a result of contact with patients or contaminated objects of the medical facility environment;+
4) microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics;
5) microorganisms resistant to disinfectants.
18. Resident flora on the hands is most often represented by
1) mushrooms;
2) staphylococcus aureus;
3) E coli;
4) spore-forming bacteria;
5) epidermal staphylococcus.+
19. What is the purpose (-s) of hand hygiene before aseptic procedures?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;+
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
20. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed before contact with the patient?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;+
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
21. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after the patient's vessel is taken out?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
22. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after measuring the patient's blood pressure?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
23. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after contact with biological fluids?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
24. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after contact with patient?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
25. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after contact with objects surrounding the patient?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
26. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after contact with your own personal protective equipment?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;+
4) protect personnel and the environment;
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
27. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after adjusting the speed of the infusion drug administration rate?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
28. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after shaking hands with the patient?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
29. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after changing the patient's bed linen?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
30. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after removing used medical gloves?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;+
4) protect personnel and the environment;
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
31. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after removing the mask (respirator)?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;+
4) protect personnel and the environment;
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
32. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after the nurse has helped the patient to sit up in bed?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
33. For what purpose (-s) is hand hygiene performed after the nurse has removed the used dishes from the patient's bedside table?
1) protect the environment;
2) protect the patient;
3) protect the patient and the environment;
4) protect personnel and the environment;+
5) protect yourself (health care worker).
34. The composition of the transient flora on the hands of a medical worker
1) is always characterized by the predominance of epidermal staphylococcus;
2) depends on the medical specialty, the nature of the work performed and the profile of the department;+
3) is constant at the entrance and exit of the department;
4) does not depend on the medical specialty, the nature of the work performed and the profile of the department, it is influenced only by the individual characteristics of the medical worker;
5) does not change during the working day.
35. The technology of hand treatment "mountain lake" involves starting hand treatment with
1) the thumb;
2) finger tips;+
3) palms of hands;
4) interdigital spaces;
5) back surfaces of the wrists.
36. The transient flora is
1) microorganisms-pathogens of skin diseases;
2) microorganisms that constantly live and multiply on the human skin (this is our own microflora);
3) microorganisms acquired by medical personnel in the course of work as a result of contact with patients or contaminated objects of the medical facility environment;+
4) microorganisms that are resistant to antibiotics;
5) microorganisms resistant to disinfectants.
37. The purpose of hygienic antiseptics is
1) removal of dirt and resident flora;
2) removal of dirt and transient microflora;
3) removal and destruction of transient microflora;+
4) removal and destruction of transient microflora and reduction of the number of resident flora;
5) the destruction of the resident flora.
38. The purpose of regular hand washing is
1) removal of dirt and resident flora;
2) removal of dirt and transient microflora;+
3) removal and destruction of transient microflora;
4) removal and destruction of transient microflora and reduction of the number of resident flora;
5) the destruction of the resident flora.
39. The purpose of surgical hand washing is
1) removal of dirt and resident flora;
2) removal of dirt and transient microflora;
3) removal and destruction of transient microflora;
4) removal and destruction of transient microflora and reduction of the number of resident flora;+
5) the destruction of the resident flora.
40. Exposure of an antiseptic consisting of a 70% aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol when treating hands is
1) 1,5 minutes;
2) 30 seconds;+
3) 45 seconds;
4) 5 seconds;
5) 60 seconds.
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