Test with answers on the topic «Doping and anti-doping control»

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Doping contradicts the sport spirit, undermines society and endangers the sportsmen’s health. Olympic charter valid from July 7th , 2007, and the UNESCO Convention (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), accepted in Paris on October 19th, 2005, consider prevention of the doping taking and the struggle against it in sport to be the component in the work of World Olympic Committee and UNESCO, and also the fundamental role of the World Anti-doping Codex WADA.
Relevance of the topic is caused by the fact that the doping problem nowadays is one of the central problems of the modern sport, because doping taking by sportsmen is not only harmful for their health, but also ruins the basics of the sport. Politic, economic, social meaning of the sport victories in the modern world is constantly rising, they foster both glorification of the winners and prize winners of the competitions, and raising the prestige of countries, represented by sportsmen - triumphants. However, everlasting growth of the sport records leads to a very sharp rivalry on the Olympic Games, world championships and other large tournaments, and, obviously, the sportsmen’s body is exposed to the highest intensity and volumes (often excessive) practice and competitive strains. All mentioned factors encouraged the sportsmen and specialists, who work in sport and and related with sport areas, engage in more than just improvement of the system of selection process and training of sports talents, technic and tactics of types of sport, improving the material base and and solving organization problems, but also search for all kinds of ways, often unseemly, aimed at reaching a victory in sports arenas at any cost.
Of 207 thousand 513 samples, taken in 2016 in different kinds of sport, in 2540 cases were registered suspicious samples that contains 1,3 %. And in 1953 cases the samples were the occasion for sanctions in relation to 115 countries in 89 kinds of sport. The relevance of this work also confirms a sociological research, made by the company «Medialogy», which after analyzing the most mentionable events of 2016 in the federal mass media and in the social media defined that in the top-5 occasions for visibility got: doping scandal in the Russian sport along with such events, like the victory of Donald Trump on the USA president selections and the attempt of the military coup in Turkey.
"We more than once stated about categorical rejection of any type of doping. Sport must stay the arena of fair fight, where the winner is the one who has showed skill, will power, perseverance, that one who really follows the Olympic slogans – faster, higher, stronger.

1. Alternative doping substances are

1) anabolics of plant origin;+
2) protein, carb and lipid products of increased biological value;+
3) intermediates and substrates of energy exchange and metabolism of nucleic acids;
4) psychotropic stimulants;
5) sympathomimetic amines;
6) stimulants of central nervous system activities.

2. Substance is included in the prohibited list if it

1) masks the usage of other substances;+
2) poses a threat for the sportsman health;
3) contradicts the sporting spirit;
4) responds to any of two of the above-mentioned conditions;+
5) improves sport results.

3. The groups of medications, which refer to the doping substances are

1) adaptogens of the plant and animal origin;
2) anabolics of the plant origin;
3) protein, carb and lipid products of increased biological value;
4) sympathomimetic amines;+
5) stimulants of central nervous system activities.+

4. Which law applies to food additives?

1) the law on quality and safety of food products;+
2) the law on medicines;
3) the law on compulsory leave with a prescription.

5. Disqualified sportsman for the doping

1) is not allowed during the disqualification period to take part in the organized practice events and also in any kind of competitions;+
2) is allowed to continue practicing in the disqualification period, but is not allowed to take part in any kind of competitions;
3) is allowed to practise in the disqualification period and to take part in any kind of competitions;
4) is allowed to practise in the disqualification period and to take part in friendly games.

6. Dope control is held

1) in the period between the competitions;+
2) during the competitions;+
3) in agreement with the country, where the competitions are held;
4) only in some kinds of sport.

7. How often is it necessary to pass the dope control?

1) 1 time in 3 months;
2) 1 time in 6 months;
3) 1 time in a year;
4) unlimited number of times.+

8. How often is prohibited list updated?

1) 1 time in 3 years;
2) 1 time in a year;
3) 2 times a year;
4) prohibited list can be revised in any moment;+
5) every quarter.

9. Which groups of medications refer to the doping substances?

1) adaptogens of the plant and animal origin;
2) anabolics of the plant origin;
3) protein, carb and lipid products of increased biological value;
4) sympathomimetic amines;+
5) stimulants of central nervous system activities.+

10. Which substances of the listed are alternative to the doping?

1) anabolics of the plant origin;+
2) protein, carb and lipid products of increased biological value;+
3) intermediates and substrates of the energy exchange and the metabolism of nucleic acids;+
4) psychotropic stimulants;
5) sympathomimetic amines;
6) stimulants of central nervous system activities.

11. Which substances are forbidden in some kinds of sport?

1) BAAs;
2) analgesics;
3) beta blockers;+
4) glucocorticoids.

12. Which substances and methods are forbidden during the competition period?

1) analgesics;
2) glucocorticoids;+
3) cannabinoids;+
4) the kinesiotaping;
5) drugs;+
6) stimulants.+

13. When must the sportsman attend the dope control point?

1) during an hour;
2) during 2 hours;
3) during 30 minutes;
4) immediately;+
5) there are some exceptional situations, when you can postpone your attendance of the dope control point.+

14. Who is allowed to take hormones and metabolic modulators during the all periods of sport training?

1) the sportsmen with the diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes;
2) the sportsmen with the diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes ought to get the permission for insulin TU;+
3) sportswomen, taking clomiphene for the treatment of infertility;
4) sportswomen, taking clomiphene for the treatment of infertility, ought to get the permission for TU.+

15. The sportsman should keep a copy of the dope control protocol not less than

1) 1 month;
2) 2 weeks;
3) 6 months;
4) 6 weeks.+

16. Who makes a decision about sanctions against the sportsman, if the sportsman performs at the international level?

1) sanctions are imposed by the international federation of that type of sport, where he is performing;+
2) sanctions are imposed by the national federation of that type of sport, where he is performing;
3) sanctions are imposed by the regional federation of that type of sport, where he is performing;
4) sanctions are imposed by the council of federations of that type of sport, where he is performing.

17. The minimum volume of the urine samples for for a standard dope test is

1) 120 ml;
2) 60 ml;
3) 75 ml;
4) 90 ml.+

18. For the urine sample of sportsmen during the dope control is alotted

1) 2 hours;
2) not more than 4 hours;
3) unlimited time;+
4) 1 hour.

19. Anti-doping rule violation is

1) taking or an attempt to take prohibited substance or prohibited method by the sportsman;+
2) presence of prohibited substances in the excrement;
3) presence of prohibited substances or its metabolites in the sportsman’s sample;+
4) possession of prohibited substances or prohibited methods;+
5) refusal or non-submission the samples for no good reason after getting the official notification.+

20. Pathologies among women while taking anabolic steroids, causing the rapid development of phenomena of virilization are

1) the total masculinization;+
2) the development of pseudohermaphroditism;+
3) hair growth on the chin and upper lip;+
4) among pregnant women the acceleration of embryo growth;
5) breast enlargement.

21. Name groups of medications, which refer to doping

1) anabolic steroids;+
2) vitamins;
3) trace elements;
4) drugs and painkillers;+
5) psychotropic stimulants.+

22. A written request to the National anti-doping organization for a permission for therapeutic use (TU) prohibited substances, according to the International Standard of therapeutic use of the World anti-doping codex should be submitted

1) during the week before the sportsman needs a permission for TU;
2) not later than 10 days before the sportsman needs a permission for TU;
3) not later than 20 days before the sportsman needs a permission for TU;
4) not later than 30 days before the sportsman needs a permission for TU;+
5) not later than 40 days before the sportsman needs a permission for TU.

23. By which tests, according to the IOC rules, the presence of doping in the body is determined?

1) excrement;
2) blood;
3) urine;+
4) saliva.+

24. Side effects of the taking beta-2 agonists are

1) headaches;+
2) diarrhea;
3) muscle cramps;+
4) nervousness;+
5) sweating;+
6) nausea;+
7) enlargement of the spleen.

25. Side effects of the taking beta-blockers are

1) slow heart rate;+
2) high blood pressure;
3) low blood pressure;+
4) sleep disorder;+
5) spasm of the respiratory tract;+
6) tachycardia.

26. Side effects of the taking glucocorticoids are

1) quick gain of muscle mass;
2) headaches;
3) the weakening of the damaged muscles, bones, tendons or ligaments;+
4) loss of muscle mass;+
5) reduction or cessation of growth among young people.+

27. Side effects of the taking growth hormone are

1) acromegaly;+
2) high blood pressure;+
3) hearing impairment;
4) loss of vision;+
5) severe headaches;+
6) increased daily diuresis.

28. Side effects of the taking крoвянoгo дoпингa are

1) insomnia;
2) diseases of the stomach;
3) stroke;+
4) increased load on heart;+
5) thrombosis.+

29. Side effects of the taking drugs are

1) slow heart rate;+
2) a false sense of invulnerability;+
3) increased pain threshold and non-recognition of injuries;+
4) drowsiness;
5) tachycardia;
6) nausea and vomiting.+

30. Side effects of the taking stimulants are

1) insomnia;+
2) dehydration;+
3) weight gain;
4) weight loss;+
5) the tendency to edema;
6) anxiety.+

31. Side effects, arising in the urinary system when long-term taking doping are

1) urolithiasis;+
2) jade;+
3) prostatitis;+
4) regeneration of the ureteral mucosa.

32. Side effects arising in the liver when long-term taking doping are

1) hepatocytes;
2) blockage of the biliary tract;+
3) violation of the excretory function of the liver;+
4) development of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;+
5) development of malignant neoplasms.+

33. Side effects, arising in the liver when long-term taking doping are

1) hepatocytes;
2) blockage of the biliary tract;+
3) violation of the excretory function of the liver;+
4) development of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver.+

34. Side effects, arising in the genitourinary system among men, which are caused by taking anabolics, depressing the secretion of pituitary hormones and testosterone are

1) increased libido;
2) development of gynecomastia;+
3) development of impotence;+
4) sharp decrease in seminal fluid production;+
5) increased sperm size and motility.

35. Why food additives can be dangerous?

1) you can put under threat team spirit in the team kinds of sport;
2) they can be counterfeit products of the well-known brands and be harmful for the health;+
3) they may contain substances not listed on the package, which lead to the positive result of the dope test.+

36. When having which disease for the appropriate medicine must be get the permission from RUSADA for the appropriate medicine?

1) asthma (some medicines, which contain beta-2 agonists);+
2) headache (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
3) attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (medicines with the substance methylphenidate).+

37. Under what condition a sportsman is released from the responsability for the taking prohibited substances?

1) there is a permission for therapeutic use;+
2) he did not know that the drug contains prohibited substances;
3) the application was not aimed at improving sport results;
4) took as prescribed by a doctor.

38. At the first detection taking sympathomimetics the sportsman

1) is disqualified till 2 years;
2) is disqualified till 6 months;+
3) is disqualified for life;
4) is fined 1 000 000 $.

39. At the re-detection taking doping the sportsman

1) is disqualified for 2 years;
2) is disqualified for 8 years;
3) ) is disqualified for life;+
4) is fined 10 000 000 $.

40. A permission for therapeutic use (besides other organizations) gives

1) a team doctor;
2) the TU Committee of the international sport federation;+
3) the TU Committee of the national anti-doping organization.+

41. Is it allowed to use supplemental oxygen (for example, inhalation with air mixtures, enriched with oxygen)?

1) yes, during the all periods of practice and during the competitions;+
2) yes, during the all periods of practice except the competitions;
3) yes, only during the competitions;
4) to use supplemental oxygen is forbidden.

42. The functions of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) are

1) scientific research;+
2) organization of sports events;
3) sampling;
4) participation in the development of educational programs.+

43. What refers to the forbidden methods of stimulation, used during the competition?

1) intravenous administration of saline solution 0.5%;
2) gene doping;+
3) use of oxygen masks;
4) the enhancement of oxygen transfer.+

44. What is blood doping?

1) It is improper use of some methods and substances for the increasing the number of white blood cells in the body;
2) It is improper use of some methods and substances for the increasing the number of lymphocytes in the body;
3) It is improper use of some methods and substances for the increasing the number of red blood cells in the body.+

45. What is a side effect, raising in the liver with long-term use of doping?

1) hepatocytes;
2) blockage of the bile ducts;+
3) violation of the excretory function of the liver;+
4) development of hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver;+
5) development of malignant neoplasms.+

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