Test with answers on the topic «Hygienic aspects of the organization of work of preschool educational organizations»
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Physical education is an organized process of human exposure to physical exercise, natural factors, and hygiene measures in order to promote health.
1. In conditions of continued risk of COVID-19 spread, the formation of "evening duty" groups
1) is possible if the social distance of 1.5-2 meters is observed;
2) is allowed;
3) is not allowed.+
2. In conditions of continuing risks of COVID-19 spread in the absence of children in the room, it is necessary to organize
1) one-way ventilation;
2) ventilation through skylights on the roof of buildings;
3) end-to-end ventilation;+
4) corner ventilation.
3. To control the compliance of the proposed physical activity with the anatomical and physiological features of the child's body, it is used
1) blood pressure;
2) kilocalories;
3) pulse rate;+
4) blood sugar level;
5) respiratory rate.
4. The maximum duration of continuous wakefulness of children aged 3-7 years is
1) 3-4 hours;
2) 5,5 - 6 hours;+
3) 7-8 hours;
4) up to 12 hours.
5. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the younger group is
1) 1,5 hour;
2) 2 hours;
3) 30 hours;+
4) 45 minutes.
6. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the preparatory group is
1) 1,5 hour;+
2) 2 hours;
3) 30 hours;
4) 45 minutes.
7. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the middle group is
1) 1,5 hour;
2) 2 hours;
3) 30 hours;
4) 45 minutes.+
8. The maximum permissible amount of educational load in the first half of the day in the senior group is
1) 1,5 hour;
2) 2 hours;
3) 30 hours;
4) 45 minutes.+
9. The motor density of hygienically effective physical education classes for preschoolers is
1) 60-85%;+
2) up to 60%;
3) up to 70%;
4) at least 50%.
10. The motor density of an occupation is
1) the maximum heart rate increase during the session, expressed as a percentage, relative to the initial one;
2) the ratio of the heart rate recovery time at the end of the class to the entire time of the class, expressed as a percentage;
3) the ratio of the time occupied by the movements to the total time of the lesson, expressed as a percentage;+
4) the ratio of the time occupied by developing exercises to the total time of the lesson, expressed as a percentage;
5) the ratio of the time occupied by academic work to the total time of the lesson, expressed as a percentage.
11. For independent activities in the day mode, preschoolers should be given the following time:
1) 1,5-2 hours;
2) 3-4 hours;+
3) 5-6 hours.
12. The required number of group playgrounds on the site of a preschool institution is
1) a common playground for all groups;
2) one playground for two groups;
3) equal to the number of groups.+
13. The continuous duration of educational activities for children aged 3-4 years is
1) 15 minutes;+
2) 20 minutes;
3) 25 minutes;
4) 30 minutes.
14. The continuous duration of educational activities for children aged 4-5 years is
1) 15 minutes;
2) 20 minutes;+
3) 25 minutes;
4) 30 minutes.
15. The continuous duration of educational activities for children aged 5-6 years is
1) 15 minutes;
2) 20 minutes;
3) 25 minutes;+
4) 30 minutes.
16. The continuous duration of educational activities for children aged 6-7 years is
1) 15 minutes;
2) 20 minutes;
3) 25 minutes;
4) 30 minutes.+
17. The organized process of influencing a person with physical exercises, natural factors, and hygiene measures in order to promote health is called
1) tempering;
2) healthy lifestyle;
3) personal hygiene;
4) physical education.+
18. The basic hygienic principle of designing preschool educational institutions is the principle of
1) age-related isolation;
2) group isolation;+
3) maximum centralization.
19. Before opening a pre-school educational organization in conditions of continuing risk of COVID-19 spread, it is necessary to conduct
1) general cleaning of premises;
2) general cleaning of premises with the use of disinfectants according to the virus mode;+
3) disinsection;
4) deratization.
20. Premises of pre-school educational organizations in conditions of continuing risk of the spread of COVID-19 should be equipped with
1) dispensers with antiseptic for the treatment of hands;+
2) devices for air disinfection;+
3) supply and exhaust ventilation.
21. When organizing meals in preschool educational organizations in conditions of continued risk of COVID-19 spread, it is necessary to
1) ensure that the dining tables are treated with detergents and disinfectants before and after each meal;+
2) organize the work of food service personnel using personal protective equipment (masks and gloves);+
3) no additional security measures are required.
22. The use of forms and means of physical education should be carried out taking into account
1) the age;+
2) the gender;+
3) health conditions;+
4) physical fitness;+
5) ethnicity.
23. Conducting daily "morning filters" in order to identify and prevent the organization of pupils and their parents (legal representatives), employees with signs of respiratory diseases at the entrance to the building includes
1) non-contact thermometry;+
2) examination of visible mucous membranes;
3) examination of the skin;
4) Express-analysis of the infection.
24. The duration of daytime sleep for preschool children should be
1) 1-2 hours;
2) 2-2,5 hours;+
3) 3-4 hours;
4) daytime sleep is optional.
25. The duration of daily sleep for preschool children should be
1) 10-11 hours;
2) 12-12,5 hours;+
3) 8-9 hours.
26. The recommended duration of daily walks is
1) 1-2 hours;
2) 3-4 hours;+
3) at least 4 hours;
4) up to 1 hour.
27. Independent activities include
1) games;+
2) personal hygiene;+
3) preparation for educational activities;+
4) walks.
28. Compliance with the principle of group isolation in a preschool educational institution is ensured by
1) the allocation of isolated walking areas on the territory of a preschool institution;+
2) individual labeling of dining and tea utensils;
3) availability of isolated premises for each group of the complex;+
4) the presence of a separate entrance for each nursery group;
5) the presence of separate lockers for clothes.
29. The optimal work, rest, sleep, nutrition, and other activities that are strictly observed during the day are called
1) healthy lifestyle;
2) schedule of classes;
3) daily routine;+
4) change of activities.
30. Physical education is
1) an organized process of human exposure to physical exercise, natural factors, and hygiene measures in order to promote health;+
2) independent classes in sports sections;
3) the system of health-improving events;
4) systematic training to achieve high results.
Если Вы уважаете наш труд и разделяете наши ценности (помощь медицинским работникам), если Вам хочется внести свой вклад в развитие нашего проекта, поддерживайте нас донатами: вносите свой посильный вклад в общее дело пожертвованиями и финансовой помощью. Чем больше у нас будет ресурсов, тем больше мы сделаем вместе для медицинских работников (Ваших коллег).
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