Test with answers on the topic «Hypothyroidism among elders»

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The prevalence of hypothyroidism after 65 years among women is 15%.

1. Autoimmune polyglandular syndrome includes

1) hypercorticism;
2) hyperparathyroidism;
3) primary hypogonadism;+
4) primary hypothyroidism;+
5) muco-cutaneous candidiasis.+

2. Gastrointestinal manifestations of hypothyroidism are

1) biliary dyskinesia;+
2) microglossia;
3) the weakening of taste;+
4) increased appetite;
5) ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa.

3. A diagnosis of hypothyroidism can be established

1) basing on anamnesis;
2) basing on ultrasound data;
3) basing on clinical symptoms;
4) only basing on the data of a hormonal study.+

4. Amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism is characterized by

1) higher risk among women;+
2) higher risk among people living in a region with iodine deficiency;
3) higher risk among people living in a region with sufficient levels of iodine;+
4) lower risk among individuals with concomitant autoimmune thyroiditis;
5) more often the manifest form;
6) more often the subclinical form.+

5. Diseases leading to the development of euthyroid pathology syndrome are

1) gastritis;
2) hand fracture;
3) tonsillitis;
4) chronic heart failure.+

6. Cardiac manifestations of hypothyroidism are

1) arrhythmia;
2) arterial hypertension diastolic;+
3) arterial hypertension systolic;
4) bradycardia;+
5) heart failure.+

7. Laboratory changes characteristic of subclinical hypothyroidism are

1) TSH normal, Т4 free elevated , Т3 free elevated;
2) TSH elevated, Т4 free normal, Т3 free normal;+
3) TSH reduced, Т4 free normal, Т3 free normal;
4) TSH reduced, Т4 free elevated, Т3 free elevated.

8. Laboratory sign of hypothyroidism is

1) hypernatremia;
2) dyslipidemia;+
3) the increased level of bilirubin;
4) the decline in TSH level.

9. Lethality in hypothyroid coma reaches

1) 100%;
2) 20-30%;
3) 30-40%;
4) 50-80%.+

10. Measures that are included in treatment of hypothyroid coma are

1) 2 liters of infusion solutions on the first day;
2) taking thyroid hormones;+
3) avoiding prescribing glucocorticosteroids;
4) based on cooling the patient.

11. Treatment of iodine-induced hypothyroidism includes

1) prescribing of corticosteroids;
2) prescribing preparations of iodine;
3) prescribing thyroid hormones;+
4) prescribing of thyreostatics.

12. The mechanism of influence of heparin on the level of thyroid hormones

1) blocks iodine uptake by the thyroid gland;
2) slows down the conversion of T4 to T3;
3) inhibits the uptake of T4 by cells;+
4) reduces the synthesis of thyroid hormones.

13. Neuropsychiatric changes when hypothyroidism

1) excitement;
2) depression – in 8-17%;+
3) psychic attacks;+
4) memory impairment;+
5) shortening of tendon reflexes.

14. Basic principles of hormone replacement therapy for hypothyroidism:

1) liothyronine is actively used for the replacement therapy of hypothyroidism;
2) the full therapeutic effect (euthyroidism) is achieved not earlier than after 2-3 months. from the beginning of therapy;+
3) the drug of choice is levothyroxine sodium;+
4) subjective improvement of the patient's condition with proper treatment of hypothyroidism will occur quickly;
5) the TSH level decreases to normal after 6-8 weeks from the beginning of treatment.+

15. The main causes of hypothyroidism in the elderly are

1) autoimmune thyroiditis;+
2) hypothyroidism due to TSH deficiency;
3) hypothyroidism on the background of thyroid neoplasms;
4) treatment with radioactive iodine, irradiation of the neck and head;+
5) previous thyroid surgery.+

16. Features of the clinical picture of hypothyroidism in the elderly:

1) in the elderly, atypical clinical forms of hypothyroidism are more common;+
2) in the older age group, neurological manifestations of the disease are less common;
3) older patients are more susceptible to myxedematous coma;+
4) typical signs of hypothyroidism occur in 50-60% of the elderly.

17. Features of treatment of hypothyroidism in elderly patients and persons with CHD:

1) the initial dose of thyroxine is 50 mcg per day;
2) if there are clinical and instrumental signs of deterioration of coronary circulation, the dose of thyroxine should be increased by 12.5-25 mcg/day;
3) increase in the dose of thyroxine by 12.5-25 mcg / day at intervals of 6-8 weeks;+
4) increase in the dose of thyroxine by 25-50 mcg / day at intervals of 2 weeks.

18. Osteopenic syndrome is observed when having

1) hypothyroidism;+
2) diffuse endemic goiter;
3) thyrotoxicosis;+
4) nodular goiter;
5) euthyroid.

19. Drugs that increase the need for thyroxine:

1) amlodipine;
2) iron sulfate;+
3) based on aluminum oxide;+
4) propranolol;+
5) phenobarbital.+

20. When having autoimmune thyroiditis, it is necessary to

1) to avoid the intake of iodine in any quantity;
2) avoid pharmacological doses of iodine;+
3) administration of levothyroxine drugs for the prevention of hypothyroidism;
4) perform a puncture of the thyroid gland.

21. A sign of hypothyroidism on the ECG is

1) high wave amplitude;
2) increasing the R-wave;
3) the shortening of the intervals Р-R, Q-T;
4) flattening or absence of a wave Т.+

22. Principles of maintenance of secondary hypothyroidism:

1) control of treatment by free T4 level;+
2) the control treatment at the level of TSH;
3) the scheme of levothyroxine administration differs from the treatment for primary hypothyroidism;
4) the goal of secondary hypothyroidism replacement therapy is to maintain TSH levels at the upper limit of normal.

23. The prevalence of hypothyroidism after 65 years among women is

1) 10%;
2) 15%;+
3) 25%;
4) 30%.

24. Myxedematous heart syndrome is characterized by

1) bradycardia;+
2) cardialgia;
3) positive T wave on the ECG;
4) systolic hypertension.

25. Situations in which a reduction in the dose of thyroxine is required:

1) pregnancy;
2) malabsorption;
3) taking estrogens-containing drugs;
4) aging.+

26. A situation that requires an increase in the dose of thyroxine is

1) constipation;
2) excess selenium;
3) stomach surgeries;
4) taking drugs that reduce absorption.+

27. Subclinical hypothyroidism may have clinical manifestations, namely

1) depression;+
2) increased weakness, fatigue;+
3) persistent increase in diastolic blood pressure;
4) improvement of the course of angina pectoris;
5) memory impairment.+

28. Tactics for subclinical amiodarone-induced hypothyroidism are

1) hormone testing should be performed every 1-2 months;
2) levothyroxine replacement therapy is necessary;
3) with the cancellation of amiodarone after 2-3 months. TSH is normalized in 50%;+
4) relapse is possible in 36% of patients.

29. Characteristic changes detected in hypothyroidism on the background of CHAIT on ultrasound of the thyroid gland:

1) hypertrophy of the thyroid gland;
2) hypoechogenicity of thyroid tissue;+
3) reducing the volume of the thyroid gland;+
4) increased blood flow to the thyroid tissue.+

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