Test with answers on the topic «Life safety in advanced age»
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The height between steps should be not more than 15 cm.
1. Choose the correct statement regarding stairs:
1) poor stairs lighting is allowed;
2) stairs should be long;
3) stairs should not have ramps;
4) the surface of stairs should not be slippery.+
2. Choose the correct statement regarding a telescopic walking stick:
1) a diameter of a tip of a walking stick should be less than 3-5 cm;
2) a diameter of a tip of a walking stick should be more than 3-5 cm;+
3) when wrapping a handle of a walking stick the fingers of a patient should run into the palm;
4) the handle of a walking stick should be smooth.
3. The height between steps should be:
1) not more than 10 cm;
2) not more than 15 cm;+
3) not less than 10 cm;
4) not less than 15 cm.
4. For what type of patients is self-contained bath intended?
1) for patients with infectious diseases;
2) for bedridden patients;+
3) for lonely patients;
4) for elderly patients.
5. For what type of patients are rollators contraindicated?
1) for patients with vertigo;
2) for patients with severe cognitive impairment;+
3) for patients with unsteadiness when walking;
4) for patients with reduced hearing.
6. To wash his hair a bedridden patient uses:
1) self-contained sink;
2) pneumatic washbasin;+
3) headrest;
4) retainer for the head.
7. To the types of walkers refer
1) multi-wheeled;
2) multi-level;
3) adjustable;+
4) rollators;+
5) walking.+
8. What types of walking sticks are considered?
1) two-level;+
2) curved;
3) multi-support;+
4) multi-level;
5) telescopic.+
9. What questions does an elderly person need to ask himself for a determination of a necessity of a psychotherapist’s consultation?
1) if you go outside;
2) if you have something which brings you pleasure;+
3) if you want to live;+
4) if you often have a depressed mood.
10. What should the nutrition of elderly people be like?
1) vegetarian;
2) with a high content of fats;
3) with a high content of fats and carbohydrates;
4) with a fairly high content of protein and vitamins.+
11. What walking stick should better the patients use, experiencing difficulties when getting up from a chair?
1) two-level;+
2) multi-support;
3) multi-level;
4) telescopic.
12. The prevention measures of a fraud for elderly people:
1) seclusion and use of delivery services;
2) training in ways to protect against fraudsters;+
3) ability to recognize fraud;+
4) ability to say «no».+
13. The prevention measures of complications of a drug therapy:
1) optimization of the number of medicines taken;+
2) periodic review of medicines;+
3) polypharmacy;
4) taking the maximum daily doses of medicines.
14. The prevention measures of accidents in case of fire:
1) use of non-combustible materials;+
2) use of equipment with the possibility of only manual shutdown;
3) availability of fire extinguishing equipment;+
4) housing equipment with automatic fire extinguishing systems.+
15. Methods of prevention of terrorist acts:
1) do not contact strangers;
2) limit your activity within your area (do not travel outside of your area);
3) timely informing of the authorities (Ministry of Internal Affairs or Federal Security Service) about the all suspicious objects and persons,which are in contact with an elderly person;+
4) try not to leave the house.
16. At what distance from the wall must railing be located for both sides of the stairs?
1) 10-15 cm;
2) 3-5 cm;+
3) 4-8 cm;
4) 5-10 cm.
17. At what level should the temperature in a house be maintained in winter?
1) 69,8 F;
2) 71,96 F;+
3) 75,56 F;
4) 77,54 F;
5) 78,8 F.
18. The main principle of a home lighting:
1) switches should not be located in accessible places;
2) it is allowed to have poorly lit places in the house;
3) the lighting should be very bright;
4) the luminous flux should be uniform.+
19. The main principle of the nutrition of an elderly person:
1) frequency of nutrition 3 times for a day;
2) features of nutrition in some chronic diseases do not apply to the elderly population;
3) eat in the usual mode;+
4) eating at a convenient time for a person.
20. The main principles of the nutrition of an elderly person:
1) a favorable atmosphere during the meal;+
2) it is necessary to minimize the use of spices during cooking;
3) food should be monotonous;
4) matching the caloric content of food to the amount of energy consumed.+
21. The main reasons of fires in everyday life:
1) careless handling of fire when smoking and cooking;+
2) loose wires of electrical appliances;
3) concurrent use of electrical appliances;
4) carrying out electric and gas welding works during repair work in flats.+
22. Features of furniture in the arrangement of everyday life for an elderly person:
1) there should be a lot of furniture;
2) the furniture must be stable;+
3) armrests are required;+
4) chairs should have high backs.+
23. The peculiarity of the psychology of elderly people is
1) a natural tendency to mood lability;
2) suspiciousness;
3) the need for constant intake of psychotropic drugs;
4) need for psychological support and assistance in adapting to life in modern society (family or government agencies).+
24. The principles of organizing a safe bathroom:
1) at the bottom of the bath, it is necessary to install rubber mats;+
2) handrails are required;+
3) it is necessary to have a lock on the bathroom door;
4) the toilet seat should be low.
25. The reasons of accidents with electricity in everyday life:
1) long-term use of electrical appliances;
2) violation of the operating rules or use of faulty electrical appliances;+
3) carelessness and inattention when handling electricity;+
4) concurrent use of several electrical appliances at once.
26. The preventing measures of accidents with electricity in everyday life:
1) avoid having a water source near an electricity source or electrical appliances;+
2) using extension cable and triple sockets;
3) monitor the safety of the insulation of electrical appliances;+
4) stationary lighting devices (chandeliers, lamps, sconces) do not leave them on for a long time without supervision and do not place flammable objects nearby to avoid their ignition.+
27. Risk factor for an elderly person falling at home:
1) wood floor;
2) no carpets on the floor;
3) slippery floor.+
28. Risk factor for an elderly person falling at home:
1) matt floor;
2) unfixed edges of the mats;+
3) unstable furniture;+
4) no armrests on the furniture.+
29. What refers to the ways of improving security of home physical environment of elderly people?
1) doorbell;
2) having a pet;
3) phone;
4) alarm button.+
30. What refers to the means of small-scale rehabilitation?
1) headrest;+
2) tray;
3) bedside table;+
4) bedside pedestal table.
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