Test with answers on the topic «Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19.03.2020. No. 198n «On the temporary procedure for work activity management of heal

Вашему вниманию представляется Test with answers on the topic «Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19.03.2020. No. 198n «On the temporary procedure for work activity management of heal в рамках программы НМО: непрерывного медицинского образования для медицинских работников (врачи, медсестры и фармацевты). Test with answers on the topic «Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated 19.03.2020. No. 198n «On the temporary procedure for work activity management of heal в рамках программы НМО: непрерывного медицинского образования для медицинского персонала высшего и среднего звена (врачи, медицинские сестры и фармацевтические работники) позволяет успешнее подготовиться к итоговой аттестации и/или понять данную тему.
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The main biomaterial type for laboratory research in case of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 is the material obtained by taking a nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swabs.
In healthcare organizations expended disposable medical products (personal protective equipment) are subject to disinfection and disposal as class C waste.

1. The healthcare personnel of the emergency medical service team, attending patients with suspected coronavirus COVID-19, are changing personal protective equipment

1) every 8 hours;
2) after each patient;+
3) once per shift.

2. Medical care for a patient with a positivity to COVID-19 test may be provided at home

1) in case of mild disease;+
2) all patients with a positivity to COVID-19 test are subject to hospitalization;
3) if there are no clinical manifestations.+

3. The risk groups include

1) disadvantaged children;
2) pregnant women;+
3) people with chronic cardiovascular diseases;+
4) people with chronic bronchopulmonary diseases;+
5) people over 65;+
6) people with chronic diseases of the endocrine system.+

4. Individual disinfection procedures, performed by a medical professional who identified a patient with suspected coronavirus COVID-19

1) instill 20% sulfacyl sodium into the nose and eyes;
2) treat exposed body parts with a skin antiseptic;+
3) gargle the mouth and the throat with 70% ethyl alcohol;+
4) instill 2% boric acid solution into the nose and eyes.+

5. Symptoms of a mild disease are

1) RF (respiratory frequency) is less than 30 movements per minute;+
2) no headache;
3) SpO2 is more than 93%, for children - more than 95%;+
4) body temperature is less than 38.5 ℃.+

6. After transporting the patient with suspected COVID-19 infection they must disinfect

1) exposed body parts of healthcare personnel;+
2) items used in medical evacuation;+
3) disposable personal protective equipment;
4) shoes of the healthcare personnel;+
5) ambulance car.+

7. A patient with a positivity to COVID-19 is subject to hospitalization in the presence of one of these circumstances

1) in case of having two and more of the following symptoms: body temperature is more than 38.5 ℃, RF is 30 or more movements per minute, oxygen saturation according to the data of pulse oximetry (SpO2) is less than 93%;+
2) mild disease if the patient is at risk;+
3) living together with people who are at risk;+
4) pregnancy;+
5) mild disease in children under 3 years old or if children under 18 have ARVI symptoms in combination with chronic diseases: heart failure, diabetes mellitus, bronchial asthma, congenital heart and lung defects or those undergoing immunosuppressive therapy;+
6) positivity to the COVID-19 test is enough for hospitalization.

8. In healthcare organizations expended disposable medical products (personal protective equipment)

1) subject to disinfection and disposal as class C waste;+
2) subject to disinfection and disposal as class B waste;
3) not subject to disinfection and disposal as class A waste.

9. If a patient is admitted to the hospital emergency room with respiratory symptoms and typical features of epidemiological anamnesis the primary epidemic prevention measures performed by a medical professional include

1) inform the head doctor about the identified patient and their condition;+
2) treat your hands and exposed body parts with a disinfecting agent, put on gloves;+
3) leave the room without waiting for the infectious disease specialists to arrive;
4) wait for the arrival of the infectious disease specialists and leave the room;+
5) use personal protective equipment.+

10. The main biomaterial type for laboratory research in case of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2 is

1) the material obtained by taking a nasopharyngeal and/or oropharyngeal swabs;+
2) feces;
3) whole blood;
4) blood serum.

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