Test with answers on the topic «What is a patient orientation?»

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To improve the quality of medical care and medical services, introduction of the concept in practice, assimilation of its essence and development of patient-oriented skills is necessary. The concept itself goes back to humanistic psychology and humanistic philosophy.

1. What year was the WHO concept about Healthcare arranged, focused on people (People-Centered Healthcare)?

1) 1920;
2) 1948;
3) 1994;
4) 2007;+
5) 2016.

2. What may the doctor’s incongruence consist?

1) the doctor is tired and works with the last of his strength;
2) he does not like the patient, but he hides it;+
3) the patient requires attention, but the doctor cannot pay it to him.

3. What is the problem if the doctor is experiencing negative feelings to the patient?

1) the doctor is not qualified;
2) the patient provokes these feelings;
3) the communication situation makes the doctor experience different feelings, including negative;
4) exhaustion, dissatisfaction by life, work, personal doctor’s problems.+

4. What does «protection culture» mean in modern medicine?

1) doctors protect, «cover up» by evidence-based data;+
2) doctors are reluctant to talk to patients;
3) patients complain to higher authorities.

5. What is the incongruence of the patient in somatic medicine?

1) insufficient awareness about your condition creates fears;
2) the patient does not trust the doctor;
3) the patient insincerely makes complaints;
4) somatized psychological state (psychosomatic disease).+

6. What is the understanding the alienation of modern medicine?

1) focus on biological processes instead of working with the individual;+
2) echoes of the World Wars period;
3) preference for probability at the expense of individuality;+
4) using placebos;
5) conducting research on humans.

7. What is the difference between a sick person, a patient and a client?

1) the degree of soreness of the condition;+
2) the degree of cost of providing medical services;
3) the degree of emergency of the provision of medical services.

8. Choose the components of human-centered interactions by Carl Rogers:

1) sincerity;
2) doctor's congruence;+
3) feedback;
4) psychological contact;+
5) respect;
6) empathy.+

9. Choose three «Р» of focusing medicine on a person

1) Patient;+
2) People;+
3) Period;
4) Person;+
5) Pharmacy;
6) Policy.

10. Should the patient be satisfied with the care provided?

1) yes, if you need to provide assistance at the full biopsychosocial level;+
2) yes, if you need him to pay;
3) no, because the doctor knows better how to treat it properly.

11. What kind of psychology does patient orientation belong to?

1) humanistic psychology;+
2) cognitive psychology;
3) neuropsychology;
4) social psychology.

12. What kind of philosophy does patient orientation belong to?

1) humanistic philosophy;+
2) ancient Greek philosophy;
3) eugenics;
4) philosophy of life.

13. What is the fool meaning of the concept of empathy?

1) the process of feeling and deeply understanding another person;+
2) the state of comfort during communication;
3) a way to respond appropriately to another person's statements.

14. What is the human structure in terms of the definition of health according to WHO (World Health Organization)?

1) biopsychosocial;+
2) biosocial;
3) neurohumoral;
4) psychosomatic;
5) psychosocial.

15. What is the key action to involve the patient in the care process?

1) diagnostics;
2) awareness;
3) training;+
4) signing of consent for treatment.

16. What role does probabilistic judgment play in terms of patient orientation?

1) fundamental, this allows you to classify the patient as a group of favorable or unfavorable course;
2) does not play any role at all-just informing;
3) small, because for an individual patient, the event either occurs or does not occur.+

17. Why patient orientation is important not only from an ethical point of view?

1) it has nothing to do with ethics;
2) patient orientation is aimed at making money, and this is not an ethical intention;
3) ethics has lost its social function.+

18. Why, according to WHO, is it important to involve the patient in the care process?

1) the patient knows better than the doctor when and what to do;
2) the patient can independently solve many small problems;+
3) this is required by the society of postmodernism and liberalism.

19. From what point of view, besides ethical, is patient-orientation important for a modern doctor?

1) in order to be effective;+
2) to exclude complaints and conflicts;
3) to successfully manipulate the patient.

20. What is the difference between provision of services in medicine and the service sector (for example, in the barbershop)?

1) higher probability of a negative result;
2) in medicine, services are more expensive;
3) taking into account the experience, the inner picture of your state.+

21. What is the difference between empathy and «mirroring»?

1) no difference;
2) mirroring is a special case of empathy;
3) empathy refers only to the doctor-patient relationship»;
4) empathy allows better understand the other person.+

22. What to do if the doctor feels hostility to the patient?

1) the doctor should understand the reasons for this attitude;+
2) not hide it, because it is better to show your attitude sincerely;
3) not hide it, it's incongruent;
4) hide it, it can have a bad effect on the treatment.

23. What does a doctor need to take into account the patient's experience of their condition?

1) knowledge of the patient's language, if he is a foreigner;
2) communication competence;+
3) ability to collect anamnesis.

24. What distinguishes medical care from services?

1) assistance is provided only in the hospital, and the service is provided on an outpatient basis;
2) the service is not forced for the patient/client;+
3) the service is provided for money, and the help is free of charge.

25. What does the expression "no word about me without me" mean?

1) obtaining informed consent;
2) making decisions together with the patient;+
3) clarification of the details of the intervention.

26. What is "body empathy"?»?

1) changing the processes of the body under the influence of communication;+
2) repeating the gestures and gait of another person;
3) the desire to be like another person.

27. What are ascending somatopsychic connections?

1) the effect of mood on metabolism;
2) the influence of body states on the behavior and «social person»;+
3) the relationship of events in society with mood.

28. What is congruence in the psychology of human-centered interaction?

1) matching of the experienced and the expressed;+
2) unity of body and soul;
3) matching of the spoken and the realized;
4) matching of thoughts and feelings.

29. What are top-down psychosomatic connections?

1) influence of body position on mood;
2) the influence of social life on the processes of the biological body;+
3) the relationship between hypoglycemia and hunger.

30. Is keeping a blood pressure diary part of the patient-centered care?

1) yes;+
2) depends on the patient's disease;
3) no.

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