Test with answers on the topic «What is a positive health?»

Вашему вниманию представляется Test with answers on the topic «What is a positive health?» в рамках программы НМО: непрерывного медицинского образования для медицинских работников (врачи, медсестры и фармацевты). Test with answers on the topic «What is a positive health?» в рамках программы НМО: непрерывного медицинского образования для медицинского персонала высшего и среднего звена (врачи, медицинские сестры и фармацевтические работники) позволяет успешнее подготовиться к итоговой аттестации и/или понять данную тему.
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The relevance of the topic of positive health is cause by the fact that the very concept of health is often pushed to the periphery of medicine: it works with diseases, ignoring the understanding of health as the integrity and normal functioning of a person. Meanwhile, it is the understanding of the essence of positive health that is necessary to achieve the last one. Positive health allows you to achieve the most effective and complete realization of human abilities and resources for the fullness of life. At the same time, ill health, even at the psychological and social level, can somatize, leading to the development of non-infectious pathology, in particular, cardiovascular, oncological, autoimmune, metabolic, etc. This inevitably requires the doctor to be able to work with health not only at the somatic level, but also at the psychological and social level.

1. Biopsychosocial health is characterized by:

1) the ability to compensate for ill health at one level at the expense of another;
2) dynamic state equilibrium;+
3) health at all 3 levels of a person;+
4) communication of all 3 levels;+
5) only biological well-being.

2. In what year did WHO accepted the modern definition of health?

1) 1945;
2) 1948;+
3) 1970;
4) 2016.

3. What are the main functions of emotions in the human psyche?

1) providing a response to a dynamically changing environment;+
2) making the elements of reality colorful;+
3) making a rational decision;
4) responding exclusively to endogenous stimulus.

4. The main biological function of a person is

1) abandonment of offspring;+
2) maintaining homeostasis;
3) production of the symbolic world;
4) social interactions.

5. The main indicators of social health of the individual:

1) ability to broadcast your identity;+
2) conformism as a strategy of behavior;
3) maintaining your integrity in the social environment;+
4) economic well-being.

6. The main criterion of a person's psychological health is

1) indifference to events in the surrounding reality;
2) normal social functioning in any psychological state;
3) maintaining the integrity of the individual in a wide range of psychological environments;+
4) subjective feeling of pleasure.

7. Achieving full biopsychosocial health involves:

1) achieving a sense of satisfaction for all needs;
2) maintaining the organic integrity of the individual;+
3) full functioning at 3 levels;+
4) the ability not to experience negative emotions due to the pressure of society;+
5) only normalization of biochemical parameters.

8. Health within the limits of a person's biopsychosocial nature presupposes

1) first of all, biological health;
2) first of all, psychological health;
3) health at least at 2 levels;
4) full health at the same time on 3 levels.+

9. The main mental functions of the individual include:

1) intelligence;+
2) digestion;
3) reproduction;
4) consciousness;+
5) emotions.+

10. The criterion for a person's success in social selection is:

1) adaptation at the cost of deindividualization;
2) abandonment of offspring;
3) maintaining its integrity;+
4) broadcasting your identity;+
5) economic well-being.

11. What are the characteristics of a healthy emotion?

1) adequacy to the cultural and social context;+
2) the predominance of one of the types of emotions;
3) duration no more than 2 weeks;+
4) duration more than 2 weeks;
5) a wide range of emotions.+

12. What is the criterion of social health?

1) performing a social role;
2) normal functioning in the economy;
3) lack of destructive behavior;
4) the preservation of identity.+

13. Components of full health:

1) the presence of functional disorders;
2) political well-being;
3) psychological well-being;+
4) social well-being;+
5) physical well-being.+

14. An integral component of positive health (well-being) is

1) exclusively biological well-being;
2) exclusively psychological well-being;
3) matching of the formal criteria of the norm;
4) integrity and fullness of health at all levels.+

15. The normal duration of an emotional reaction is

1) no more than 2 weeks;+
2) no more than 4 days;
3) at least 1 month;
4) at least 2 weeks.

16. The peculiarity of non-infectious pathology in the context of the threefold nature of man is

1) the possibility of effective exclusively drug therapy;
2) the need to eliminate the social causes of pathology;+
3) conditioned by psychosocial risk factors;+
4) connection with cultural practices;+
5) purely biological nature.

17. An emotional reaction is considered pathological that continues

1) 11 days;
2) 2 months;+
3) 3 days;
4) 5 days.

18. The concept of health implies

1) biological normality;
2) the organic integrity of the person;+
3) compliance with formal health criteria;
4) subjective well-being.

19. Consumption can be

1) biological risk factor;
2) psychosocial risk factor;+
3) physical risk factor;
4) economic risk factor.

20. A sign of a healthy emotion is

1) adequacy of the social context;+
2) conditioned exclusively by the internal state of a person;
3) lack of connection to the cultural context;
4) duration of more than 3 weeks.

21. The psychological component of a person includes

1) basic psychological processes;+
2) experienced symbols and meanings;+
3) metabolic processes;
4) social interactions.

22. The ways of normal self-identification are:

1) choosing your image;+
2) avoiding social relationships;
3) constructing your self;+
4) designing your social image;+
5) dissolving into the social mass.

23. Self-identification involves

1) adapting to society at the cost of your personality traits;
2) determining the place of a person in the relationship with the social environment;+
3) definition of a person in relation to society;+
4) defining a person in the face of himself;+
5) contrasting yourself with the social environment.

24. Social homeostasis as an element of social health involves

1) autonomy of one's identity;+
2) adapting to changing environmental conditions;+
3) the rejection of identity;
4) lack of adaptation to changing environmental conditions;
5) maintaining identity in a hostile environment.+

25. Social homeostasis is

1) lack of emotional response to events in society;
2) changing identity in a changing environment;
3) preserving the integrity of identity in a changing environment;+
4) economic success.

26. What does the physical well-being of a person essentially characterize for?

1) large resources for adaptation;+
2) dynamic state persistence;+
3) static maintenance of functional indicators;
4) narrow optimum of environmental conditions;
5) wide range of transportable medium vibrations of the environment.+

27. What does positive health at the social level characterize for?

1) the ability to broadcast your social self;+
2) constant opposition to society;
3) adaptation to all the fluctuations of society;
4) maintaining self-identification;+
5) maintaining integrity in the conditions of pressure of society.+

28. The features of a person as a biological object are:

1) the will to die;
2) the maintenance of homeostasis;+
3) maintaining your integrity as an organism;+
4) reproduction;+
5) social interactions.

29. Features of a pathological emotional reaction

1) adequacy to the cultural context;
2) adequacy to the scale of the event;
3) inconsistency with the social and cultural context;+
4) duration more than 2 weeks;+
5) duration of less than 2 weeks.

30. Which of the following is a manifestation of the hostility of the social environment?

1) mutual assistance;
2) natural selection;
3) infectious diseases;
4) social selection.+

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